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الثلاثاء، 7 مايو 2013

Computer Background

تخطيط انسيابي: معالجة متعاقبة: Computer Background 

A computer is programmable machine, which processes data quickly and accurately. It converts data into meaningful information.

Notice: Some people believe that the computers have a very short history. Long ago, a need to count was recognized.  The abacus was an instrument used for calculations. It consists of beads that could move from left to right. The first calculating machine appeared in the 1800s.

Notice:  In the 1835 a British engineer, Charles Babbage, designed a machine which became the basis for today's computers. He called it "Analytical Engine". It was the world's first programmable computer. It work with steam power and used gears. Since then computers have gone through four generations using vacuum tubes in the 1950s, transistors in the early 1960s, integrated circuits (ICS) in the mid-60s and a single chip in the 1970s.
مربع نص: 1- What is a computer?
2- In which generation was the computer based on transistors?
3- What is the Analytical Engine?
4- What was abacus used for?
5- How many decades did the for generations take?

تخطيط انسيابي: بطاقة: Conversation 

Q:- Do you have any idea about uses of the computer?
A: Yes, we use it for typing letters, articles, and documents, by using a program called         (Word Processor).
In business, it is used for calculating budgets. One of the famous programs used to carry out this task is called (Excel).

Q:- Can a computer be used in engineering?
A:- Of course, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Auto CAD programs help engineers in designing technical drawings. Beside that a program called (PowerPoint) is used for presentations

And Computer is used to browse the internet which helps researchers and scientists to collect, store, and analyze data. It also helps in searching for information.

In brief : whatever the job, computer is needed to make it easier.
Nowadays it is an important tool of our everyday life.
مربع نص: Q:- Is the computer important for you? Can you say how?


*A mainframe:
 is the largest kind of computers. It has very high speed and a very large storage capacity. It is used in banks, governments, departments, and large organizations. Many different people can use one mainframe at the same time.

 *A microcomputer
 is: commonly called personal computer (PC) because only one   person can use it at a time. It can be put on a desktop. Microcomputers are not expensive,  therefore , they are very popular such computers are found in offices and schools.
* Laptop computers:
are small, briefcase-size and portable. A laptop has a small screen and keyboard. Sometimes it is powerful as a microcomputer but more expensive.
Nowadays, we have another kind of computers. It is called a palm computer.
It is hand-held and has a small screen and a keyboard. It does the same special functions that the laptop does but it is cheaper.

مستطيل مستدير الزوايا: Computer Structure. 

v  Computers are made up of many parts. These parts perform one or more functions including input, output, processing and storage. They are called (hardware).

v  Output devices send information from the computer to the user. These data are usually visual or audio in form. Some common output devices are monitors, printers, and speakers.

v  Input devices are parts that let you insert and manipulate information in a computer. The keyboard and mouse are examples of input devices. Touch screen monitors are devices that can be considered input and output (input by touch, output by display).

v  Computers need to have instructions to work. Without instructions a computer is merely a bunch of parts. These instructions or programs are known as  (software). It can be said that it is the software that makes the hardware works.

مستطيل مستدير الزوايا: Questions And Answers. 


1-   Name Some functions which are done by computer hardware?
         Input , output , Processing and Storage.

        2- What is the function of output devices?
         The function of output devices : Send  information from the computer to the user.

        3- How can you insert and manipulate information on a computer?
         By input devices I can insert and manipulate the information on a computer.

        4- What does the computer need to work?
            The computer needs Software (instructions) to work, and without Software (instructions) the computer is a bunch of parts.

تخطيط انسيابي: بطاقة: Articles 

مجسم مشطوب الحواف: Put a / an in the following:


1-   A computer went through many stages.
2-   Vacuum tubes were an assistant in computer development.
3-   Babbage called his first computer an analytical engine.
4-   An integrated circuit was used in a computer in the mid-60s.
5-   In the 70,s a single chip was an important part of a computer.

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